Commodity Risk

Futures, options and managed future trading may be the
riskiest of all federally regulated investments. Speculators who
trade futures and options should only do so with
risk capital. Past performance is not indicative of
future results. There are no guaranteed good trades.
The use of stop orders does not guarantee or
necessarily limit losses to intended limits. Futures
trading involves unlimited risk. When purchasing
options on a futures contract, the investor is at
risk for the premium paid plus commissions and fees.
Options, cash and futures markets are separate and
do not necessarily respond in the same way to
similar market stimuli.
understand your worst case risk scenario before
entering into any options or a futures trade. Future
risk, commodity risk, commodity risk management are
very important factors to consider before doing any
type of investment speculation. All speculative
investments carry a higher degree of risk than non
speculative investments. Investments with extraordinary and extreme profit
potential carry with them extraordinary and extreme risk potential.
Statements, facts, quotes, data and information
contained herein are gathered from various sources
that are believed to be reliable. T & K Futures and
Options Inc. cannot guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or
completeness. No responsibility is assumed with
respect to any such statements, facts, quotes, data
and information.
The statements above are to point out the
inherent risks involved in legitimate, federally regulated investments such as
trading forex, futures contracts and options on a futures contract. T
& K Futures and Options Inc. strongly recommends
checking out the broker and/or brokerage firm you
are considering before doing any business with them
by clicking here
