Eurodollar Futures and Options

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on futures contracts. Also learn producer and consumer hedging
*The information contained within this webpage comes from sources
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Here is the brochure from the CME Group for Eurodollar
futures and options.
Eurodollar brochure
Euro dollars are U.S. dollars on deposit in
commercial banks located outside of the United
States. Euro dollars deposits play a major role in
the international capital market, and they have long
served as a benchmark interest rate for corporate
*Were you looking for information about the
Euro Currency? The currency used by the European Union. If so click
Euro Currency
The Euro dollar futures CME contract reflects the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for a three-month, $1
million offshore deposit. Euro dollar deposits are
direct obligations of the commercial banks accepting
the deposits and are not guaranteed by any
government. Although they represent low-risk
investments, Euro dollar deposits are not risk-free.
Changing interest rates can hurt euro dollar
CME developed and launched Euro dollar futures
in 1981, and since then Eurodollar futures has evolved into one of the world’s
most innovative and popular contracts—and is now the most actively traded
futures contract in the world with open interest recently surpassed the forty
million mark and an average daily volume of over 3 million Eurodollar futures
Euro dollar future volume on the GLOBEX electronic platform accounts for over 85% of
the Eurodollar futures volume.
CME Euro dollar futures are cash-settled, therefore, there is no delivery of
a cash instrument upon expiration because cash
Euro dollar time deposits are not transferable.
Eurodollar futures contract size has a principal
value of $1,000,000 with a three-month maturity.
Eurodollar futures move in 1 point increments, or
.01, equaling $25. The Eurodollar tick reflect the
dollar value of a 1/100 of one percent change in a
$1 million, 90-day deposit, determined by the
following equation:
$1,000,000 notional value x .0001 x 90/360 = $25.
Trading can also occur in minimum ticks of .0025,
or ¼ ticks, representing $6.25 per contract and in
.005, or ½ ticks, representing $12.50 per contract.
Eurodollar contracts trade Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec; Forty
months in the March quarterly cycle, and the four
nearest serial contract months
Since the Eurodollar futures contract’s inception, it has become one of the
most versatile investment vehicles
offered on the listed markets. As a result, today’s Eurodollar
future contract offers even more trading opportunities.
Besides Eurodollar futures and options on futures, CME also developed the following as part of the
Eurodollar contract:
Eurodollar Bundles—allow traders to simultaneously
buy or sell a consecutive series of Eurodollar
futures in equal proportions beginning with the
front quarterly contract.
Eurodollar Packs—simultaneous purchase or sale of an
equally weighted, consecutive series of four
Eurodollar futures, quoted on an average net change
basis from the previous day’s close.
Serial Eurodollars—identical to quarterly Eurodollar
futures with the exception of expirations dates.
Serial Eurodollars expire in months other than those
in the March, June, September and December quarterly
*Contract information changes from time to time. Please
click here to see the most recent
contract specifications and
click here for the most recent trading hours.
Eurodollar Future Contract Specifications
Eurodollar Futures
Contract Size -
Quotations -
Index points
Minimum Price Fluctuation (Tick) -
.0025 = $6.25/contract for spot-month contract; .005
= $12.50/contract for all other contracts
Contract Months -
Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec and 4 serial months
Regular Trading Hours (Central Time) -
7:20 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
GLOBEX Trading Hours (Central Time) -
4:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. the following day; on Sunday,
trading begins at 5:30 p.m.
Last Trading Day -
11:00 a.m. London time on the second London bank
business day immediately preceding the third
Wednesday of the contract month
Final Settlement -
Based on the British Bankers' Association Interest
Settlement Rate
Trading Symbol
Eurodollar Options on Futures
Underlying Contract -
One Eurodollar futures contract
Strike Prices -
25-basis-point intervals (i.e., 93.00, 93.25, 93.50,
etc.) 12.5-tick strike prices are listed on the 2
serial months and next quarterly expiration month on
the day following the expiration day of options in
the March quarterly cycle. 12.5-tick strikes are
listed in one-year Mid-Curve options on the 2 serial
and first quarterly expirations, and in the 2-year
Mid-Curve option in the first quarterly expiration.
Under certain circumstances, CME interest rate
option combinations may trade at one-half tick
increments (.005 = $12.50). Contact your broker or
Premium Quotations -
Total IMM Index points (i.e., 0.34 quoted as "34
Index points" or "34 basis points")
Minimum Price -
.0025 = $6.25/contract for the nearest expiring
quarterly options contract; .005 = $12.50/contract
or the serials and first four quarterly options and
the first two quarterly expirations and serials in
the 1-Year Mid-Curves and both quarterly expirations
of the 2-Year Mid-Curves; .01 = $25.00/contract for
the last two quarterly options and the last two
quarterly expirations of the 1-Year Mid-Curves. For
trades in the fifth and sixth quarterly options (the
"Reds") half-tick trading is only allowed for
options trading at a price of 5 ticks or less.
Contract Months -
Quarterly options: the nearest 6 March quarterly
expiration months and 2 serial months; One-year
Mid-Curves: the nearest 4 quarterly expirations and
2 serial months; Two-year Mid-Curves: 2 March
quarterly expirations
Regular Trading Hours (Central Time) -
7:20 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
GLOBEX Trading Hours (Central Time) -
2:13 p.m. - 7:05 a.m.; on Sunday, trading begins at
5:30 p.m.
Last Trading Day -
Quarterly options: second London bank business day
immediately preceding the third Wednesday of the
contract month; Serial and Mid-Curve options: Friday
immediately preceding the third Wednesday of the
contract month.
**Click Here Now!
for actual euro dollar futures and options, quotes, prices, expirations, charts .....

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