Alternative Investment Strategies and Products
Learn the most effective strategies for buying and selling options
on futures contracts. Also learn producer and consumer hedging
Alternative Investments
Alternative investments refer to any investment that is not one of
the three traditional types of assets such as stocks, bonds and cash
equivalents. Alternative investments can include hedge funds,
managed futures, commodities, precious metals and derivatives
(options). These types of investments are often considered to be non
correlated to traditional investments and are used to achieve true
T & K Futures and Options, Inc. offers
many alternative investment products such as:
Managed futures, commodities, precious metals and derivatives
like options are liquid and very transparent which is making those
investment vehicles within the alternative
investment class more and more popular with investors. Futures and
options trading also has inherent tax advantages. Gains in futures
and options investments are treated as 60% long term and 40% short
term regardless of the time frame in which those positions are held.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Futures and
options carry significant risk of
loss and are not suitable for some people.